Some say, the USA doesn't frighten anymore : look at their division while it's all about people's life through medical care. They called it "Obamacare." Some say (Republicans), it's a personal business. Others say (Democrats), those people just want to shutdown the federal government. Obama says, those Republican are note doing favor to me by voting pro!
All in all, it's all about jeopardizing Americans' life in many ways. But who cares? At least, it looks strange how, in a country, super-power one, where people are "educated", don't serve anymore as example. Look in Rwanda : "Rwanda retains 92 percent of patients in HIV care -- compared to 50 percent in the U.S." Did you see how President Kagame where proud of that, once at London, last May 2013? Think that many strategies were longtime ago, experienced in Burundi, and that some Burundian experts worked on that in country brother, Rwanda. But, in Burundi, system is failing! Can you fancy that? People, especially children are still dying from malaria.
No comparative trials, but either in America, in Rwanda or in Burundi, it's all about politics. This thought was tackled and finished at the University of Montana this summer 2013:
(Here is the document in full)
Preventing Malaria in Children in Burundi.
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